FAQs on Volunteering at RLASD
Why am I required to obtain these clearances?
The safety of our students is a District priority. State law requires that all school districts review each of these clearances before allowing any person to begin serving as a volunteer in any school building or with any extracurricular activity.
2. Where can I locate information and forms regarding the required clearances?
The District website contains the most updated information for volunteers. This can be accessed under the Parent tab and by selecting “Volunteer”. This page contains links to all the required documentation and links to clearances.
3. Who is considered a volunteer?
A volunteer is defined as an adult, whose role is more than that of a visitor, who voluntarily offers a service to the District without receiving compensation from the District. A volunteer is not a school employee. The District has defined two classifications of volunteers and examples can be found on the volunteer website.
4. How long does it take for each clearance to be completed?
Act 34 – PA State Police Criminal History can be completed online and received immediately if there are no reported incidents. Act 114 – Federal Criminal History Report can be completed by obtaining fingerprints at an authorized location. Results can be expected in 14 days. Act 151 – Child Abuse Background Check can be completed online and received within 14 days.
5. If I have a question, who do I contact?
You may contact the school building at which you wish to volunteer or the Human Resources Office at 717-244-4518 ext. 7524.
6. Where do I submit my volunteer packet?
Volunteer packets should be submitted to one of the school offices in the District or the Education Center or emailing them to volunteer@rlasd.net.
7. If I have children in more than one building, do I need to submit information for each building?
Persons interested in volunteering do not need to submit multiple volunteer packets. Rather, volunteer packets should be submitted to one of the school offices in the District or the Education Center. On the volunteer information sheet select all the buildings you wish to volunteer at.
8. If I have children who will be moving to a different building before my clearances expire, do I need to submit a new packet when they enter the new building?
You do not need to submit a new volunteer packet. If you know your child will be changing buildings while your clearances are still active (ex: due to changing grade levels) please add that building to your volunteer information sheet when it’s originally submitted.
9. Must I update my clearances every school year?
No, you are required to update your clearances every 60 months.
10. May I use my clearances from my employment?
Yes, with a review of your clearances by the Human Resources Office.
11. How will I be notified of my volunteer status/approval?
Volunteers will be notified of their status in writing once all documentation has been supplied and reviewed by the District and, if necessary, approved by the School Board.
12. How can I verify when my clearances will expire?
You may contact the school building in which you are volunteering or the Human Resources Office at 717-244-4518 ext. 7524.
13. How can I verify if my name is on the volunteer list?
You may contact the school building in which you are volunteering or the Human Resources Office at 717-244-4518 ext. 7524.
14. What must I do if my clearances expire?
Volunteers whose clearances have expired must complete a new volunteer packet and submit to the Ed Center for review by the Human Resources Department before continuing to volunteer.
15. What is the difference between the clearances and the School Gate Guardian where you scan my license? Why do we need both?
The School Gate Guardian system tracks visitors that enter the building and compares the identity of the visitor with the registered sex offender database. The clearances search the volunteers for any criminal or child abuse history. The safety of our students, staff, and visitors is a District priority, which is why both are required.
16. How can I get the clearances online if I do not have a computer or internet?
If you do not have a computer or internet access available please contact the Human Resources Department at 717-244-4518 ext. 7524 to schedule an appointment to use a School District’s computer.
17. How do I get my FBI fingerprints completed?
You will need to register online at identogo.com or uenroll.identogo.com. You need to provide your personal information as well as the service code of 1KG6ZJ and complete the pre-enrollment process. Once that is completed, you will be required to sign up for a date, time, and location to have your fingerprints taken. You cannot pay online but will need to bring your payment either by certified check, money order, or a Visa, Master Card, American Express, or Discover Card to the fingerprint site. Money orders and certified checks must be made payable to IDEMIA. Identogo will provide directions on what to bring to the fingerprint site as well as what forms of ID are acceptable. Once on site, you will be taken in order of the schedule. Walk-ins will be accepted but only if you apply online first, and then it’s a first come, first serve basis.